Building Legal Solutions
We are very excited to confirm that we have now moved offices to a fantastic new countryside location in Warwick, in the vicinity of Warwick Castle. The move has been on the horizon for some time and after what feels like endless hours of planning and packing, this is our first full week in the new offices.
Feldon Dunsmore Solicitors first opened for business at the Business Innovation Centre in Coventry on 1st January 2014 in what Paul best describes as a ‘glorified broom cupboard’, with just the Paul, Steve and their one secretary Pat. The business quickly outgrew that office and the team made the move eight months later across the road into slightly bigger premises at Orchard Court 4, which has been the home of Feldon Dunsmore Solicitors until now. During our time at Orchard Court both the team and the client base grew considerably and despite taking on an additional floor in the building, we still needed more space.
The team is currently 15 strong and continuing to grow and with office-based working now resuming, it was the perfect time for us to make the move to bigger offices in a more rural location. We are also delighted to welcome our newest recruit, Caroline Mann, who is starting with us very shortly in Warwick and has the role as practice manager, of overseeing the smooth running of the whole operation and relieving Paul and Steve from some of their day to day responsibilities.
Our new offices on the Leafield Estate in Warwick consist of a pair of converted barns in a Grade 1 listed Park, what better setting for a firm of property specialists?! We will be surrounded by 160 acres of woodland, with only livestock as our neighbours. One of the barns will house our commercial property team and having everyone on one floor will no doubt facilitate more collaborative working and provide us with plenty of room for the future expansion of the team. The second barn will house our plot sales and residential team. The barns are connected via our lovely new kitchen and shared working areas, including the new break out room, boardroom and client meeting rooms. We are sure that this will be a great environment in which to work and that this will help to attract new lawyers to join the firm.
We’ve all had a hand in the interior design of the new offices; our very own Bethany Isard has worked tirelessly for months bringing together everyone’s design ideas, including our new living wall, and overseeing the day to day organisation of the office move. We cannot wait to welcome people to our new offices once we are unpacked and the final work completed, and we are keeping our fingers firmly crossed that we may even be able to host an office opening party in September this year, COVID permitting!
Thank you for your continued support during these very busy few months and please take a note of our new address and phone details below.
Feldon Dunsmore SolicitorsLeafield Estate
Stratford RoadWarwick
CV34 6RA Switchboard: 01926 954 694

28 June 2021