Building Legal Solutions
World Environment Day is celebrated annually to encourage awareness and action for the protection of our environment. As a law firm based on a local farm we are always very aware of our local environment and at this time of year seeing the new lambs and calves arriving on the farm increases our desire to become more environmentally friendly.
Throughout June we have had a particular focus on increasing the number of items that we dispose of that can be recycled and reducing what is sent to landfill.
Our recycling to date consists of:
1. having access to more collection points within the office for items that can be recycled;
2. sending our shredded paper waste to a local business who specialise in recycling paper, as unfortunately our shredded paper waste can’t be included in our general recycling bins;
3. collecting our milk top lids which are then sent to the Guide Dogs Charity who sell them on to be recycled into plastic pellets, any money from this goes back into supporting the Guide Dogs.
4. recycling our old batteries from home and the office; and
5. most recently, facilitating the collection of empty crisp packets and taking them to the local supermarket for recycling.
Whilst there are some limitations to what can be recycled in our weekly bin collections, Supermarkets now offer valuable additional opportunities to recycle items such as:
- crisp & vegetable packets;
- batteries;
- clothing;
- glass; and
- plastic bags.
As a firm we have been making small changes in the hope that the cumulative effect creates a bigger change to our collective carbon footprint on the planet.