Building Legal Solutions

News and Events

Twas the Few Weeks Before Christmas

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As 2023 comes to an end, the Feldon Dunsmore team are working hard to conclude completions in preperation for the festive break.  

Due to the busy nature of this time of year, it can be very easy for individuals to isolate themselves under the pressures of the end of the year. I am proud to report this is not the case at Feldon Dunsmore, as we participate in various socials and team building exercises.

Recently, at the end of our monthly team meeting we were asked to build the highest paper tower in teams of four using only the paper that was in front of us. The activity was indeed enjoyable and filled with laughter, but it also allowed individuals to connect with each other working on a task outside of property law.

It is important for companies to offer colleagues opportunities to see each other in various contexts to ensure that their working relationships are long lasting – I am sure our pending Secret Santa Gift Exchange will help us to get to know each other even better whilst we are enjoying our festive Christmas lunch.

This week we all took part in a wreath making workshop held at our offices. We were all involved in looking out for various foraging materials such as pheasant feathers and pinecones, very apt given the location of our offices!

Once we were equipped with our materials, the team embarked on creating unique wreaths with the sweet sound of Christmas jingles in the background for motivation. After the prep of the wreath was complete, the decorating could begin. Some elements of the decorations were more difficult than others, so the team worked together to assist each other on the final touches.

The team at Feldon Dunsmore would like to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Please note that Feldon Dunsmore’s offices will be closed from 1pm on the 22nd December 2023.

Please enjoy some pictures we have taken over this festive period.