Building Legal Solutions

News and Events
Katy-Mae Smith

Let the Festivities commence......

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December has to be my most favourite month of the year because not only do I have my presents all wrapped and under the tree ready to go, as a firm we have a different festive occasion to celebrate each week , which I love organising. Firstly we have our...

World Environmental Day

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World Environment Day is celebrated annually to encourage awareness and action for the protection of our environment. As a law firm based on a local farm we are always very aware of our local environment and at this time of year seeing the new lambs...

Looking to pursue a career in Commercial Property Law?

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Last week myself and Simran attended our first career fair at a local school, we had many conversations with students of different year groups ranging from Year 7 to Year 11. We found that students were asking lots of questions about who we are and what we...

Its the most wonderful time of the year

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Wow... how are we almost mid way through December? Feldon Dunsmore has continued to spread its Christmas cheer by sending out Christmas wreaths to clients, its been wonderful to hear they are taking pride of place on clients front doors. I would like...

Helping Hands Community Project

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This week I had the opportunity along with the rest of the team to speak to Lianne from Helping Hands Community Project, which is the local charity Feldon Dunsmore are supporting this year. Lianne talked to us about who they are and the wonderful help and...

Harvey's Memorial Garden

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On Wednesday we opened up our new garden area and space where we held a memorial tree planting ceremony in loving memory of our dear friend and colleague Harvey Gibbs. We invited close family, old colleagues and clients to join us for a curry (we all know...

Welcome to the Firm

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We are delighted to welcome Simran and Sarah to the Feldon Dunsmore team. Simran joins us as a paralegal providing support to all members of the team but more particularly helping our plot sales manager Aimee on various plot sales. Simran is a real all...

Feldon Dunsmore Annual Christmas wreaths

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Wow I cannot believe we are now in December; this year seems to have flown by. I don’t know about you, I did all of my Christmas shopping in September and wrapped it all. So, I have been able to enjoy the run up to Christmas and putting...

Remember Remember the 5th of November

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Feldon Dunsmore, along with other local businesses, has sponsored Warwick Town Bonfire and Firework display for the last two years. They have secured a stunning location based at Warwick Racecourse and this year saw crowds of over 6,000 people attend, with...

New laws affecting overseas companies involved in property transactions

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Provisions affecting companies and other entities registered overseas have recently come into force under the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 and Schedule 4A of the Land Registration Act 2021. The new laws are intended to increase...